We analyse, assess and create programmes of action adapted to the needs of specific public policies. Accumulated experience has enriched our view of sport, enabling us to provide sports advice that is professional and represents a positive impact for different public bodies.
Together with the different administrations holding competence in the field of sport, we use a variety of tools to shape their public policies, including the design of guides for public administrations, the drawing up of administrative conditions and clauses, the drawing up of plans for equality in sport, etc.
At Avento we believe in sports policies, based on equality and integration, that guarantee the right of access to sport by all people.
Our international experience in different Council of Europe projects on the incorporation of gender mainstreaming to sport keeps us directly up to date with the public policies introduced in the territories that are leading the way in the field.
Discover our experience and action in public policies.
At Avento we believe in sports policies, based on equality and integration, that guarantee the right of access to sport by all people. At Avento we believe in sports policies, based on equality and integration, that guarantee the right of access to sport by all people.:
<li>Training and teaching support for students from member federations taking the FIFA Guardians (Football Safeguarding Programme) course in Spanish. FIFA, 2021-present.</li>
<li>Consultancy services for the on-site assessment of safeguarding risks in the academies of FIFA member associations. Federation International Futbol Association FIFA.</li>
<li>Evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of equality plans for women and men in the sports entities of Bizkaia. Provincial Council of Bizkaia.</li>
<li>Process to detect the needs in the field of physical activity and sports of women in vulnerable situations in the population of Hernani. Hernani Town Hall.</li>
<li>Cost analysis of the municipal sports facilities of Sakoneta and Torresolo. Leioa City Council.</li>
<li>Revision of the rules of the competition-public entrance examination for the Local Police from a gender perspective. City Council of Ondarroa (Bizkaia), 2023.</li>
<li>Advice on the drafting of technical specifications for the contracting of the management of the municipal sports facilities of Oiartzun. Oiartzun City Council, 2023.</li>
<li>Diagnosis of Portugalete's sports field from a gender perspective. Portugalete City Council (Bizkaia), 2023.</li>
<li>Diagnosis of the sports field of Oiartzun from a feminist perspective. Oiartzun City Council (Gipuzkoa), 2023.</li>
<li>Qualitative diagnosis of gender violence in the sports field in Ordizia. Ordizia City Council (Gipuzkoa), 2023.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to carry out a preliminary economic study of an indoor athletics track in Navarra. Sports Institute of the Govern of Navarra, 2022.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to promote girls' participation in grassroots sports in Irun. Irun City Hall, 2022.</li>
<li>Protocol for the prevention of violence against women and minors in the sports field of San Sebastian. San Sebastian City Hall, 2022.</li>
<li>Guide to develop equality plans in sports federations and clubs of Bizkaia. Provincial Council of Bizkaia, 2022.</li>
<li>Study of the grants conceded by Basque Team Foundation. BAT, Basque Government, 2022.</li>
<li>Online training for students who take the FIFA Guardians course (Child Protection Program) in Spanish worldwide. FIFA, 2021-present.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD in a project to promote women’s participation in coaching football in Gipuzkoa. 2018-present.</li>
<li>Online teacher-facilitator for students taking the FIFA Guardians (Child Protection in Soccer Program) training in Spanish worldwide. FIFA, 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to the World Snow Federation and the CSCF Sport Integrity Group in the Erasmus+ SafeShred project, to promote integrity in sport, advising on sexual violence. World Snow Federation, 2021.</li>
<li>Diagnosis of sports in Castilla-La Mancha from a gender perspective. Government of Castilla La-Mancha, Spain. 2021.</li>
<li>Proposals to promote equality between women and men in sports. Emakunde, Government of Basque Country, 2021.</li>
<li>Analysis of the Sports Department from a gender perspective. Llodio Town Council, 2020.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to the Town Council of Oñati in the process of making a decision concerning mixed or segregated participation in grassroots sports. Oñati Town Council, 2020.</li>
<li>Participation as experts in the project “ALL IN – Towards Gender Balance In Sport” (European Commission and Council of Europe). May 2018 – September 2019. Strasbourg (May 2018); Zagreb (October 2018); Brussels (September 2019).</li>
<li>Protocols for prevention and action to tackle sexual violence in sport, and design of complementary measures for sport organisations. National Sports Council (Spanish Government), 2019.</li>
<li>Guide to incorporate gender perspective in grassroots sports of Álava. Provincial Council of Álava, 2019.</li>
<li>Analysis of the Sports Department from a gender perspective. Tafalla Town Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Analysis of the Sports Department from a gender perspective. Ansoáin Town Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to the school Orereta Ikastolain the process of making a decision concerning mixed or segregated participation in grassroots sports. Orereta Ikastola, 2019.</li>
<li>Plan to promote gender equality and the use of Euskera in Club de Fútbol Elorrio. ElorrioTown Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Advice to promote equality between women and men in the sports clubs of Alsasua. AlsasuaTown Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Preliminary study for the development of a toolkit to incorporate gender perspective in sport. Council of Europe, 2018.</li>
<li>Assistance to the Hernani and Pasaia Town Councils for making a decision in relation to mixed or segregated participation in grassroots sports, basing it on empirical data. 2017.</li>
<li>Technical report for incorporating gender perspective in the regulatory bases for grants in the field of sport depending of the clubs’ development level in gender policies, and training agents of sports clubs. Hernani Town Council, 2017.</li>
<li>Proposals for designing the contents related to sports in Equality Ordinances. Abella Legal, 2016.</li>
<li>Participation in the Project Balance In Sport (BIS) as experts,to develop indicators and tools to promote gender equality in European sport. European Commission and Council of Europe. 2016, April (Stockholm); June (Madrid); December (Strasbourg).</li>
<li>Technical report for incorporating gender perspective in the regulatory bases of the public offer of vacancies at the Firefighters’ Service ofSan Sebastian City Council. San Sebastian City Council, 2016. </li>
<li>Technical report for incorporating gender perspective in the regulatory bases for grants of the Local Board of Sports. Elgoibar Town Council, December 2013.</li>
<li>Technical report for setting criterion for giving Sports Rewards from the Local Board of Sports. Elgoibar Town Council, November 2013.</li>
<li>Permanent technical assistance to the sports planning and ordinance area of Sports Management. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2004-2012.</li>
<li>Development of a segmentation model of sport participation with a view to setting a system to measure physical activity and sport in Gipuzkoa. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2011-2012.</li>
<li>Review of the equality policies of the Sports Management of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and proposals for action.2008-2012.</li>
<li>Action Plan for the promotion of the participation of immigrants in sport in Gipuzkoa. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2008-2011.</li>
<li>Collaboration with the –EPAS- Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport- of the Council of Europe for developing a Handbook on good practices regarding gender equality in sports, 2011.</li>
<li>Guide for incorporating gender perspective in local sports management. Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, 2011.</li>
<li>Pre-advanced Sectoral Territorial Plan of sports equipment in Gipuzkoa. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2011.</li>
<li>Study on equality policies in women’s sports in Gipuzkoa: institutional measures, current labour framework and media attention. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2011.</li>
<li>Action Plan for the organisation and funding of high performance in Gipuzkoa. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2010-2011.</li>
<li>Equality Plan for the field of sport 2011-2014. Sports Management, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2010.</li>
<li>Design of the parameters and main guidelines for implementing measures in the National Sports Council, with a view to promoting gender equity. National Sports Council (Spanish Government), 2009.</li>