Projects completed
Sports clubs and federations
We have worked with sports clubs and federations from different fields and geographical scope. Our vision, accumulated experience and in-depth knowledge of sport mean that we can propose specific actions for each case, providing functional solutions to the problems of clubs and federations.
Take a closer look at the projects we have developed as a sports consultancy for different sports clubs and federations. sports consultancy for different sports clubs and federations.:
<li>Training and teaching support for students from member federations taking the FIFA Guardians (Football Safeguarding Programme) course in Spanish. FIFA, 2021-present.</li>
<li>Consultancy services for the on-site assessment of safeguarding risks in the academies of FIFA member associations. Federation International Futbol Association FIFA.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to the Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD for the preparation of protocols against sexual harassment and abuse throughout its structure. January 2017-present.</li>
<li>Implementation of a new cross-border competition framework in Basque rugby. Basque Rugby Federation, 2024</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD in a project to promote the presence of women in the technical staff of football in Gipuzkoa. 2018-present.</li>
<li>Training for handball PDJ coaches in Gipuzkoa. Gipuzkoa Handball Federation.</li>
<li>Evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of equality plans for women and men in the sports entities of Bizkaia. Provincial Council of Bizkaia.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Real Sociedad de Fútbol in the implementation and monitoring of the II. Equality Plan of Real Sociedad de Fútbol.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Bera Bera RT for the elaboration of the II. Bera Bera Equality Plan.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD in a project to promote women’s participation in coaching football in Gipuzkoa. 2018-present.</li>
<li>Implementation of a new cross-border competition framework in Basque rugby. Basque Rugby Federation, 2023.</li>
<li>Training session about “Coaching girls in handball: how to increase their sports adherence”, organized by the Handball Federation of Gipuzkoa.</li>
<li>Training to technical staff of sports clubs in Ordizia (Gipuzkoa) in prevention of violence in sport.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD for the development of protocols for the prevention of violence against minors and sexual violence among adults throughout its structure and in the soccer clubs in Gipuzkoa. January 2017-present.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to parents of schoolchildren in Amurrio for the creation of a handball club, 2023.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to develop a new framework for cross-border action for Basque rugby. Basque Rugby Federation, 2019-present.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to develop the "Real Sociedad Training Program for Women Soccer Coaches in Gipuzkoa". Real Sociedad Foundation, 2021-present.</li>
<li>Oral presentation: "Prevention of violence and sexual abuse in sport", within the framework of the Andalucía World Para Table Tennis Championship 2022.</li>
<li>Training on prevention of sexual violence in sport to Safeguarding Officers of the Spanish Sports Federations . Higher Sports Council, Spanish Government, May 2022.</li>
<li>Protocol for the prevention of violence against women and minors in the sports field of San Sebastian. San Sebastian City Hall, 2022.</li>
<li>Guide to develop equality plans in sports federations and clubs of Bizkaia. Provincial Council of Bizkaia, 2022.</li>
<li>Online training for students who take the FIFA Guardians course (Child Protection Program) in Spanish worldwide. FIFA, 2021-present.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD in a project to promote women’s participation in coaching football in Gipuzkoa. 2018-present.</li>
<li>Online teacher-facilitator for students taking the FIFA Guardians (Child Protection in Soccer Program) training in Spanish worldwide. FIFA, 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to the World Snow Federation and the CSCF Sport Integrity Group in the Erasmus+ SafeShred project, to promote integrity in sport, advising on sexual violence. World Snow Federation, 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to promote gender equality and the participation of women in mountaineering in Gipuzkoa. Gipuzkoa Mountaineering Federation, 2021.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Basque Handball Federation. 2021.</li>
<li>II Equality Plan of Real Sociedad de Fútbol. 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to develop prevention protocols against harassment and sexual abuse within the Real Sociedad Foundation. 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to develop the “Real Sociedad’s Program for Women Football Coaches in Gipuzkoa”. Real Sociedad Foundation, 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance for the development of a new cross border action framework for Basque rugby. Basque Country Rugby Union, 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance for the development of a new cross border action framework for Basque rugby. Basque Country Rugby Union, 2020.</li>
<li>Psychological counseling to SD Euskalduna Andoaindarra football club. SD Euskalduna, 2020.</li>
<li>Protocols to prevent sexual violence in agreed football clubs. Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD, 2020.</li>
<li>Project for promoting women’s participation in coaching. Real Sociedad SAD, 2020.</li>
<li>Advice to Araski AES basketball club in developing actions to raise awareness among the protocol to prevent sexual violence. Araski AES, 2020.</li>
<li>Equality Plans in Alava sports organisations: Álava Squash Federation; Álava Hunting Federation; Club PREMAVI. Provincial Council of Álava, 2019.</li>
<li>Plan to promote gender equality and the use of Euskera in Club de Fútbol Elorrio. ElorrioTown Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Advice to promote equality between women and men in the sports clubs of Alsasua. AlsasuaTown Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Awareness raising and dissemination of the protocol to tackle sexual harassment and abuse in La Blanca track and field club, 2019.</li>
<li>Training the coaches of Araski AES basketball club on the subject sexual harassment and abuse in sport. Araski AES, 2019.</li>
<li>Training the coaches of Club de Fútbol de Berriozar. Berriozar Town Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Technical assistance for designing a sponsorship leaflet for SDR Pedreña rowing club. Marina de Cudeyo Town Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Technical assistance for the development of a new cross border action framework for Basque rugby. Basque Country Rugby Union, 2019.</li>
<li>Design of the Protocol against sexual harassment and abuse, and training coaches and athletes in the football section of Club Deportivo Hernani. HernaniTown Council, 2018.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Araski AES basketball club for updating their internal rules, 2018.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to optimise the organisation chart and internal management processes of Araski AES basketball club. Araski AES, 2018.</li>
<li>Technical assistance for the execution of the Implementation Plan of the Basque Framework of Competition in rugby. Basque Government, 2015-2018.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Álava Badminton Federation. Provincial Council of Álava, 2018.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Álava Football Federation. Provincial Council of Álava, 2018.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the club Lautada Waterpolo. Provincial Council of Álava, 2018.</li>
<li>Designing the Protocol against sexual harassment and abuse, and training coaches and athletes on this subject in Araski AES basketball club. 2017.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Álava Track and Field Federation. Provincial Council of Álava, 2017.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Álava Handball Federation. Provincial Council of Álava, 2017.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of Araski AES basketball club. Provincial Council of Álava, 2017.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Álava Cycling Federation. Provincial Council of Álava, 2016.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Álava Basketball Federation. Provincial Council of Álava, 2016.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Álava Basque Ball Federation. Diputación Foral de Álava, 2016.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of Club La Blanca track and field club. Provincial Council of Álava, 2016.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of Club de Natación Judizmendi swimming club. Provincial Council of Álava, 2016.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of the Basque Country Rugby Union, 2015.</li>
<li>Technical assistance for incorporating gender perspective in the management of Araski AES basketball club. December 2014.</li>
<li>Project for the promotion of women’s participation in organised sport in Álava. AFDA-Alava Sports Federations Association, 2014.</li>
<li>Basque Mountain Climbing Federation’s evaluation from a gender perspective. EKFB-Basque Union of Sports Federations, 2014.</li>
<li>Project “EMENDIK”, Women and mountain climbing. Basque Mountain Climbing Federation. 2013-2014.</li>
<li>Project “Women Surfers”. Gipuzkoa Surf Federation. 2013-2014.</li>
<li>Study on the impact of the initiation itinerary of football in Gipuzkoa on the talents-developing itinerary. 1st phase. Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD, 2013.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of Real Sociedad de Fútbol S.A.D. (Professional football club). 2012. (Financed by Emakunde/The Basque Institute for Women).</li>
<li>Real Sociedad’s Project for organising women’s elite football in Gipuzkoa. Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD, December 2012.</li>
<li>Project for organising women’s elite handball. CD Bera Bera. 1st phase. June, 2012.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of CD Fortuna Kirol Elkartea. 2012.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of Club Bera Bera Rugby Taldea. 2012.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of club Garriko Taekwondo from Arrigorriaga. 2011.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan for a regional structure of swimming in Goierri. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2011.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan for a regional structure of swimming in Debabarrena. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2011.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan for a regional structure of swimming in Bidasoa. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2011.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan for a regional structure of swimming in Urola Kosta. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2011.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan for a regional structure of swimming in Buruntzaldea. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2011.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan for a regional structure of swimming in Oarsoaldea. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2010.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan for a regional structure of swimming in Tolosaldea. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 2010.</li>
<li>Intervention Plan of CD Debabarrena Elgoibar-Eibar indoor football club. October, 2010.</li>
<li>Intervention Plan of Gailurrerantz KE indoor football club. December 2010.</li>
<li>Study on the situation of elite female athletes granted by the Foundation Euskadi Kirola. Euskadi Kirola and Basque Government, 2010.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of Tolosaldeako Arraun Kluba rowing club. Tolosaldeako Arraun Kluba, 2009.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of Getariako Arraun Elkartea rowing club. Getariako Arraun Elkartea, 2009.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of Club Deportivo Fortuna Kirol Elkartea. Club Deportivo Fortuna KE, 2009.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of Club Deportivo Zarautz Kirol Elkartea. CD Zarautz KE, 2008.</li>
<li>Study on the economic and social impact of the Behobia-San Sebastián race. Club Deportivo Fortuna KE, 2008.</li>
<li>Study on the economic and social impact of the Behobia-San Sebastián race. Club Deportivo Fortuna KE, 2008.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Basque Union of Sports Federations, in the frame of the project “Study for the implementation of measures that warrant equality between women and men in Basque Sport Federations”. Basque Government, 2007-2008</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Basque Basketball Federation, in the frame of the project “Study for the implementation of measures that warrant equality between women and men in Basque Sport Federations”. Basque Government, 2007-2008.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Basque Equestrian Federation, in the frame of the project “Study for the implementation of measures that warrant equality between women and men in Basque Sport Federations”. Basque Government, 2007-2008.</li>
<li>Equality Plan of the Basque Swimming Federation, in the frame of the project “Study for the implementation of measures that warrant equality between women and men in Basque Sport Federations”. Basque Government, 2007-2008.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of the Basque Rowing Federation. Basque Rowing Federation, 2006.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of S.D.N. Ur Kirolak rowing club. S.D.N Ur Kirolak, 2006.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of Aita Mari A.E. (Zumaia) rowing club. Aita Mari A.E., 2005.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of Itsasoko Ama – Santurtzi rowing club. Itsasoko Ama A.E., 2005.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of PD Koxtape Arraun Elkartea rowing club. PD Koxtape AE, 2005.</li>
<li>Analysis of the general situation of the Basque Rowing Federation. Basque Rowing Federation, 2005.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of CRO Orio AE rowing club. CRO Orio AE, 2004.</li>
<li>Strategic Plan of Donostia Arraun Lagunak rowing club. Donostia Arraun Lagunak, 2004.</li>