Sports training
At Avento we believe that training is a key factor for positioning and developing sport in society. As well as producing training plans , our team teaches training classes on sport and assumes the technical management of sports courses and seminars .
Our work in the field of sports training is marked by our integrating, egalitarian and innovative ethos as a sports consultancy.
Discover the training projects in which we have participated. Discover the training projects in which we have participated.:
<li>Training and teaching support for students from member federations taking the FIFA Guardians (Football Safeguarding Programme) course in Spanish. FIFA, 2021-present.</li>
<li>Training for handball PDJ coaches in Gipuzkoa. Gipuzkoa Handball Federation.</li>
<li>Project to promote equality between women and men in sports organisations in Bizkaia: Equality Plans in Sports Federations in Bizkaia: Handball, Hunting, Air Sports, Winter Sports, Gymnastics, Golf, Weightlifting, Herri Kirolak, Equestrian Sports, Judo, Karate, Wrestling, Swimming, Ball, Fishing, Surfing, Taekwondo, Olympic Shooting and Triathlon.</li>
<li>Lecture: ‘Strategies to promote girls’ adherence to sport’. Barcelona Provincial Council.</li>
<li>Training session: Body empowerment through physical activity and sport. University of the Basque Country.</li>
<li>Lecture: Gender violence in sport. Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council.</li>
<li>Training session about “Coaching girls in handball: how to increase their sports adherence”, organized by the Handball Federation of Gipuzkoa.</li>
<li>Revision of the contents of the Online Course on School Sport Monitoring (Level I, Common Block) from a gender perspective. Basque School of Sport (Basque Government), 2023.</li>
<li>Training to technical staff of sports clubs in Ordizia (Gipuzkoa) in prevention of violence in sport.</li>
<li>Project to promote equality of women and men in the sports entities of Bizkaia: Equality Plans in Sports Federations of Bizkaia. Provincial Council of Bizkaia, 2023.</li>
<li>Oral presentation: "Prevention of violence and sexual abuse in sport", within the framework of the Andalucía World Para Table Tennis Championship 2022.</li>
<li>Training on prevention of sexual violence in sport to Safeguarding Officers of the Spanish Sports Federations . Higher Sports Council, Spanish Government, May 2022.</li>
<li>Online training for students who take the FIFA Guardians course (Child Protection Program) in Spanish worldwide. FIFA, 2021-present.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD in a project to promote women’s participation in coaching football in Gipuzkoa. 2018-present.</li>
<li>Online teacher-facilitator for students taking the FIFA Guardians (Child Protection in Soccer Program) training in Spanish worldwide. FIFA, 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to the World Snow Federation and the CSCF Sport Integrity Group in the Erasmus+ SafeShred project, to promote integrity in sport, advising on sexual violence. World Snow Federation, 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to develop a protocol for action against sexist attitudes at HCRE Hernani Rugby. Hernani Town Council, 2021.</li>
<li>Training on gender equality in sport. Government of Navarra, 2021.</li>
<li>Provision of training on equality of women and men in sports management to the staff of the Sports Service. Vitoria-Gasteiz Town Council, 2021.</li>
<li>Technical assistance to develop prevention protocols against harassment and sexual abuse within the Real Sociedad Foundation. 2021.</li>
<li>Technical and economic study of the remodeling project for the Salesianos-Urnieta sports facilities. Gestolda S.L., 2021.</li>
<li>Psychological counseling to SD Euskalduna Andoaindarra football club. SD Euskalduna, 2020.</li>
<li>Protocols to prevent sexual violence in agreed football clubs. Real Sociedad de Fútbol SAD, 2020.</li>
<li>Advice to Araski AES basketball club in developing actions to raise awareness among the protocol to prevent sexual violence. Araski AES, 2020.</li>
<li>Training to politicians and technicians of the field of sport in the community of municipalities of Noáin, 2019.</li>
<li>Course: “Sports and women”, in the 2nd level of the School of Feminisms, organised by IPES Foundation. Pamplona, 13th November 2019.</li>
<li>Training the coaches of Araski AES basketball club on the subject sexual harassment and abuse in sport. Araski AES, 2019.</li>
<li>Training the coaches of Club de Fútbol de Berriozar. Berriozar Town Council, 2019.</li>
<li>Project for the qualification of the grassroots sport agents of Alava for the incorporation of gender perspective in this field. Provincial Council of Álava, 2018.</li>
<li>Training: “How to promote equality between women and men in sportsclubs”. Lezo Town Council, October 2018.</li>
<li>Training the staff of the Company Berrikilan on the subjet “physical coeducation”. Berriozar Town Council, October 2018.</li>
<li>Workshop: “Physical activity and women’s empowerment”. Leioa Town Council, 7th June 2018.</li>
<li>Workshop: “How to promote equality between women and men in sport organisations”. Alsasua Town Council, March 2018.</li>
<li>Workshop about Equality Plans in sport federations. Provincial Council of Granada, March 2018.</li>
<li>Training on values in sport, aimed at coaches in grassroots sports in Ansoáin. AnsoáinTown Council, November 2018.</li>
<li>Conference: “How to promote women’s participation in sport organisarions”. Bermeo Town Council, 23st of March 2018.</li>
<li>Design of the Workshop “Women do play: proposals to promote gender equality in sport”, organised by Galdakao Town Council. 2018.</li>
<li>Presentation: “Strategies to promote equality between women and men in sport organisations”, in the 15th Workshop for Equality “Women do play: proposals to promote gender equality in sport”, organised by the Galdakao Town Council. 2018.</li>
<li>Workshop: “Gender equality in sport: current situation and challenges for the future”, organised by the Vice-Chancellor of Equality at the University of Alicante. Alicante, 1st of June 2017.</li>
<li>Course: “Gender equality in the field of sport”, aimed at the staff of the Local Board of Sports Donostia Kirola. San Sebastian City Council, 23rd October and 6th November 2017.</li>
<li>Project for the qualification of the grassroots sport agents of Alava for the incorporation of gender perspective in this field. Provincial Council of Álava, 2016.</li>
<li>Course: “Promoting gender equality in sport” aimed at agents involved in the local sports field. Alsasua Town Council, 10th and 25th September.</li>
<li>Course: “Promoting gender equality in sport” aimed at agents involved in the local sports field. Elorrio Town Council, 10th March 2016.</li>
<li>Training of local sport agents on the issue “Equality between women and men in the field of sport”. Azpeitia Town Council, 16th November 2016.</li>
<li>Course: “Gender perspective in the field of sport”, aimed at the staff of the Local Board of Sports Getxo Kirolak. Getxo Town Council, 12th and 19th February, and 8th May 2015.</li>
<li>Awareness raising: Presentation of the set of good practices for the promotion of equality between women and men in the sport media. San Sebastian City Council, 18th March 2015.</li>
<li>Course: “Equality between women and men in body expression and in culture”, aimed at teachers of the Local School of Music. Elgoibar Town Council, 9th and 16th March 2015.</li>
<li>Conference: “Gender perspective in sport” aimed at local sports clubs. Elgoibar Town Council, 2nd of December 2014.</li>
<li>Course: Gender perspective in the scope of sport, aimed at the staff of the Local Board of Sports. San Sebastian City Council, 3rd November 2014.</li>
<li>Conference: “Gender perspective in sport”, organised by Oñati Town Council. Oñati, 4th June 2014.</li>
<li>Course: “Equality between women and men in sport organisations” aimed at local sport clubs. Errenteria Town Council, 1st of June 2013 (4 hours).</li>
<li>Course: “Incorporation of gender perspective in subsidy justifications in sport”, for sport organisations and local governments. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, 25th and 27th September 2012.</li>
<li>Design and coordination of the Workshop “Guide for incorporating gender perspective in local sports management”, organised by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and the National Sports Council (Spanish Government). Madrid, 5thof July 2011.</li>
<li>Course: “Sport and Equality”. Town Council of Bergara, September and December 2011.</li>
<li>Course: “Equality and physical education”. Town Council of Azpeitia, June 2010</li>
<li>Design and coordination of the Workshop “Incorporation of gender perspective in local sport management”, organised by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and the National Sports Council. Madrid, 3rd and 4th February 2009.</li>
<li>Teaching: Quality 3K Program for the management of sport organisations, offered by Euskalit-Advance Management. 2007-2009.</li>
<li>Organisation and management of the course “Equality in sport: between reality and whish”, in the frame of the XXVII Summer Courses organised by The University of The Basque Country, in collaboration with the Sports Management of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Department of Culture of the Basque Government. San Sebastian, 30th June and 1st and 2nd of July 2008.</li>